Shipping & Tracking

What is the shipping cost?

We offer weight based shipping so the shipping cost varies and depends on the total weight of the items you have ordered. The shipping cost is also inclusive of the handling cost.

We offer 3 shipping methods:

  • Standard Post – Standard shipping, can take between 1-10 weeks from the day the order is processed
  • DHL Express – Express shipping, usually takes between 2-5 days from the day the order is processed
  • FedEx/TNT Express – Express shipping, usually takes between 2-5 days from the day the order is processed

Please note: Shipping to non EU countries may be subject to duties and taxes.

Where's my parcel?

To be able to see the tracking information for your parcel, you will need the tracking number that was sent to your email address once your order was shipped. If you cannot find that email please search for it in your spam folder. If you are unable to find it please contact us.

(Please note that it will take at least one day after we have sent the parcel before it can be tracked).

If you run into any problems, or have additional questions, please contact us.